
Decorate Your Bedroom; 3 Quick Easy Ideas

Bedrooms are probably the last rooms to receive a makeover in homes because most people change rooms that are more visible, like living areas, living room, kitchens, and baths.  You can decorate your bedroom over the weekend with these Quick and Easy tips! Also, they are Bedroom Decorating Tips that won't break the bank. It does not have to be an expensive remodel to give you a spa like feel.

3 Quick, Easy, and affordable tips to Decorate Your Bedroom. 

1. Decorate your bedroom with a Color that gives you a calming feel. 

Earth Tones are Great for decorating a bedroom. Earth Tones or Natural Neutral Colors are Great and then you can add a pop of color in pillows or accessories instead of painting your bedroom a crazy color. This allows you to change out your smaller item when you want a different feel instead of having to paint your entire room. 

2. Use an Area Rug in your Bedroom to give it that Cozy Feel and also gives you a place to step instead of directly on hardwood floors. 

There is a correct way to place an area rug under your bed, but make it flow with the room. The layout of your bedroom will dictate placement of your area rug. The rule of thumb for rugs, use them to anchor furniture. This means, you should have rug under the foot of bed and maybe come half way under bed, but don't center your bed on area rug. This may not be the worst thing you can do, but it will take away from the aesthetic view of the room. Area Rugs also offer another place you can introduce color in a neutral room. A Rug is probably one of the single most important factors in decorating a bedroom. Choose a size that compliments a room and does not overwhelm and does not look like it was just thrown in as a side note. The Best way to decorate any room is to start with an area rug that you Love. Use the colors in the rug to pick room color, accessories, bedding colors, etc. please don't be matchy matchy, use colors in the rug and find colors that coordinate or compliment. If you must be matchy, go ahead, but show your wild side, use colors that work together. 

3. The third quick tip to Decorate Your Bedroom for ZenFull relaxation is to remove all that clutters. Yes, get the TV out of the bedroom, do not open that Tablet, and that smart phone can wait till morning. There are many other things that clutter, but Technology is one of those evils that will kill the romance. 

Also, use art in the bedroom that is relaxing to look at and leave the family photos in the family room. Not to bash the family, but this is designed to be your most relaxing areas of your home, photos cause distractions and keep you in Mother/Father roles when it should be your Husband/Wife time without all the distractions of life. Keep your Bedroom private as well, your solitude away from everything. It's not the place everyone piles up to watch a movie, that can be done in the family room. You get the idea, any and all distractions should be removed from the bedroom. 

These 3 Quick and Easy Bedroom Decorating tips will make a huge impact on how your room feels. You may be surprised at the increase in Romance, relaxation, and rest you will achieve from Decorating your Bedroom. 

Decorate Your Home

Home Decorating ideas can come from inspirations and do not have to cost a fortune.  you may see a photo in a magazine or a friend could have a decorating tip or a room that you love.  Inspiring designs can come from single items that you can build your room around, whether it be a Sofa that you love or even a bouquet of flowers with colors that you can pull together.

Many people get caught up when decorating their home, thinking it has to be a certain style or it will clash.  Some Eclectic styles are the best decorated homes you will ever see.  You could have a Contemporary sofa and a more modern cocktail table and end tables, have fun decorating your home. 

Decorating your home can make you lose your mind if you are a big match-match type person.  The decorated home where everything matches looks good, but give your home some charm or character.  Mix Woods, I know you are saying, really?  Yes, Mix woods and mix styles to show your personality.  Now, let me clarify.  I would not necessarily say use Oak and Mahogany together, although it could be done.  Mahogany makes me think of a more formal atmosphere and oak is a dated casual style wood.  Instead, use mahogany and walnut maybe.

Everyone has their own decorating style and flare when it comes to their home, I am just saying do not stress over it, and have FUN!